Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Management course

On November 20th, three members of our student company New Generation took part in management course which was held in Banská Bystrica. The three lucky ones were Katarína Hrušková, our president, Andrej Lacko, vice-president of human resources and finally Tibor Purgat, vice-president of finances.
After we arrived, we listened to three presentations about how to handle situations that might occur in the company, afterwards, we were divided into groups and had four workshops with employees of AT&T from Košice. We are really enlightened and I am sure we will apply our experience in leading our company.

text and photo: Andrej Lacko, 4. B

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Školenie manažmentu

Dňa 20. novembra 2015 sa traja členovia New Generation, JA firmy, zúčastnili školenia manažmentu v Banskej Bystrici. Tí traja šťastní neboli nik iný ako naša prezidentka, Katarína Hrušková, Andrej Lacko, viceprezident pre ľudské zdroje a Tibor Purgat, viceprezident pre financie.
Po registrácii nás čakali tri prezentácie, kde sme sa naučili základy vedenia tímu a potom nasledovali workshopy v skupinách, kde sa nám venovali zamestnanci spoločnosti AT&T z Košíc. Zo školenia si odnášame plno nových zážitkov a skúseností, ktoré určite uplatníme vo vedení našej firmy.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk